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How to Create Products that Customers Love? - 5 Tech Strategies with Case Studies

Creating customer-centric products is not only a skill but also an art. It requires a deep understanding of the customer’s needs, wants, goals, and feedback, as well as a strategic use of technology to deliver products that create value and delight for them.

In this blog post, I will share some of the technology-driven strategies that can be used to create customer-centric products, along with a dedicated case study for each strategy:

  1. Artificial Intelligence

  2. Data Analytics

  3. User Research

  4. User Experience Design

  5. Agile Development

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A robot playing piano

Artificial intelligence, commonly called AI, is the process of creating systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, decision-making, and creativity. AI can help product managers create products that are smarter, faster, and more innovative.

What questions does AI answer for Product Managers?

  1. What are the tasks that our users want to automate or augment with our product? How can we use artificial intelligence to provide solutions that are accurate, reliable, and scalable?

  2. What are the data sources and methods that we can use to train and test our artificial intelligence models? How can we ensure that our models are fair, ethical, and transparent?

  3. What are the best practices and frameworks that we can use to design and develop our artificial intelligence products? How can we integrate artificial intelligence with other technologies and platforms?

  4. How do our users interact with our artificial intelligence products? How can we provide a natural, intuitive, and engaging user experience?

What do product managers need to do to implement AI effectively?

  1. Define clear and specific problem statements and success criteria for their artificial intelligence products

  2. Identify the relevant data sources and methods for data collection, preparation, and annotation

  3. Choose the appropriate techniques and tools for data analysis, modeling, and deployment

  4. Evaluate and validate their AI products using metrics and feedback

  5. Iterate and improve their AI products based on the results and feedback

Case Study 1: Grammarly

Grammarly Logo

Grammarly is more than just a writing assistant. It is an AI-powered writing coach that helps you improve your writing skills in various ways. AI empowers many of the customer-centric capabilities in Grammarly:

  • Grammarly helps you write error-free and clear texts - Grammarly analyzes users’ writing and provides suggestions on grammar, spelling, punctuation, tone, style, and clarity. By using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML), it helps in detecting and correcting errors in the user’s writing.

  • Grammarly helps you write according to your goals, audience, and preferences - It personalizes its feedback and recommendations by using Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning to understand the user's intent and context. Grammarly also uses reinforcement learning and natural language generation to create tailored suggestions that match users’ needs and expectations.

  • Grammarly helps users write more effectively for different purposes and domains - It uses knowledge graphs and semantic analysis to identify a user’s domain and purpose. It also uses transfer learning and natural language understanding to adapt its suggestions to different genres and formats. For example, it can help users write more effectively for academic, business, or casual purposes.

  • Grammarly helps you write with the right tone and voice - The Tone Checker by Grammarly helps users adjust their tone to be more confident, friendly, or formal. It uses sentiment analysis and emotion detection to assess the user’s tone and mood. Grammarly also uses natural language inference and text summarization to generate suggestions that enhance the user’s tone and voice.

  • Grammarly helps you write with integrity and originality - It helps users avoid plagiarism by checking their writing against millions of web pages. Using text similarity and paraphrasing techniques helps in detecting and preventing plagiarism in user's writing. It also provides citations and references for each source to help users acknowledge their sources properly.

2. Data Analytics

A dashboard on a laptop

Data analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to gain insights and make informed decisions. Data analytics can help product managers identify customer segments, understand customer behavior, measure customer satisfaction, and optimize product performance.

What questions does Data Analytics answer for Product Managers?

  1. Who are our customers? What are their demographics, psychographics, and behaviors?

  2. What are their needs, pain points, and goals? How do they use our product? What are their expectations and feedback?

  3. How satisfied are our customers with our product? What are the key drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction? How loyal are our customers? How likely are they to recommend our product?

  4. How well is our product performing? What are the key metrics and indicators of success? How can we improve our product quality, usability, functionality, and reliability?

How can product managers leverage Data Analytics effectively?

  1. Define clear and measurable objectives and key results (OKRs) for the product

  2. Identify the relevant data sources and methods for data collection

  3. Choose the appropriate data analysis techniques and tools for data processing

  4. Visualize and communicate the data insights and findings to stakeholders

  5. Act on the data insights and findings to improve the product

Case Study 2: Netflix

A TV playing Netflix in the dark

Netflix is more than just a streaming service. It is a data-driven entertainment company that uses data analytics to provide users with personalized and engaging content. Data analytics enables many of the customer-centric features of Netflix:

  • Netflix helps you discover movies and TV shows that you will love - Netflix collects data from its 151 million subscribers and uses data analytics models to discover customer behavior and buying patterns. It then leverages that information to recommend movies and TV shows based on their subscribers’ preferences. Netflix uses a series of algorithms to predict what users are likely to watch next and arrange selections into rows based on their viewing preferences.

  • Netflix helps you enjoy original content that suits your taste - Netflix uses data analytics to predict the popularity of original content before it greenlights it (or not). It analyzes user ratings, reviews, comments, and social media buzz to determine the demand and potential audience for its original content.

  • Netflix helps you experience personalized marketing content - It uses data analytics to personalize marketing content such as trailers and thumbnail images. Netflix tests different versions of trailers and images for each movie and TV show and measures user responses to them. It then selects the most effective trailer and image for each user based on their profile and history.

3. User Research

A poster with User written over it

User research is the process of gathering and understanding user needs, motivations, pain points, and feedback through various methods such as interviews, surveys, observations, and testing. It can help product managers validate product assumptions, discover user problems, generate user personas, and define user requirements.

What questions does User Research answer for Product Managers?

  1. What are the problems that our users are trying to solve? How do they currently solve them? What are their frustrations and challenges?

  2. What are the jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) of our users? What are the outcomes that they want to achieve? What are the value propositions that they seek?

  3. Who are our users? What are their characteristics, behaviors, attitudes, and emotions? How do they differ from each other?

  4. What are the features and functionalities that our users need and want? How do they use our product? How do they perceive our product?

What are the best practices for product managers to perform User Research?

  1. Define clear and specific research questions and hypotheses for their product

  2. Choose the appropriate user research methods and tools for data collection

  3. Recruit representative users and stakeholders for participation

  4. Conduct user research sessions with empathy and curiosity

  5. Analyze and synthesize the user research data

  6. Communicate and document the user research insights and findings

Case Study 3: Airbnb

Airbnb logo

Airbnb is a highly user-centric company that uses user research to understand and empathize with its users. User research enables many of the customer-centric features in Airbnb:

  • Airbnb helps you discover and book unique accommodations and experiences - Airbnb conducts user research to understand the needs, preferences, and motivations of its users. It uses various methods such as surveys, interviews, usability testing, and field studies to collect user feedback and insights, and then uses these insights to design and improve its products and services

  • Airbnb helps you connect and belong to a global community - Airbnb conducts user research to understand the values, culture, and expectations of its users. By using methods such as ethnography, storytelling, and co-creation, it immerses itself in the user’s context and perspective and then uses these insights to create and foster a sense of community and belonging among its users

  • Airbnb helps you travel with confidence and trust - Airbnb conducts user research to understand the challenges, risks, and opportunities of its users. Airbnb uses methods such as experiments, analytics, and data science to measure and optimize user behavior and outcomes. It then uses these insights to build and enhance trust and safety features for its users.

  • Airbnb helps you grow and learn as a host or guest - Airbnb conducts user research to understand the goals, aspirations, and feedback of its users. It uses methods such as workshops, webinars, and online courses to educate and empower its users, and then uses these insights to provide and support learning opportunities for its users.

4. User Experience Design

A person connecting dots on a board

User experience design is the process of creating products that are easy to use, enjoyable to interact with, and meaningful to the user. User experience design can help product managers create user journeys, design user interfaces, test user interactions, and improve user satisfaction.

What questions does User Experience Design answer for Product Managers?

  1. What are the steps that our users take to achieve their goals with our product? How can we simplify and optimize these steps?

  2. What are the elements that make up our product interface? How can we make them intuitive, consistent, accessible, and aesthetically pleasing?

  3. How do our users interact with our product? How can we make these interactions smooth, responsive, and engaging?

  4. How do our users feel when they use our product? How can we make them feel positive, confident, and satisfied?

What steps do product managers need to take to design a great user experience?

  1. Define clear and user-centric design principles and guidelines for their product

  2. Create low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes and mockups of their product

  3. Conduct usability testing and user feedback sessions with users and stakeholders

  4. Iterate and refine their product design based on the test results and feedback

  5. Measure and monitor the user experience metrics and indicators

Case Study 4: Spotify

A mobile app with Spotify open on it

Spotify is a user-centric company that uses user experience design to provide users with personalized and engaging music-listening experiences. User experience design enables many of the customer-centric features in Spotify:

  • Spotify helps you discover and listen to music that you will love - Spotify uses user experience design to create a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to easily find and access the music they want. It perfectly uses color, size, and positioning to create a visual hierarchy that guides users through the app. It also uses consistent design language to ensure a smooth user experience. It also uses device optimization and adaptive design to ensure a seamless music-listening experience across different platforms and devices.

  • Spotify helps you connect and share music with your friends and community - Spotify uses user experience design to create social and interactive features that enhance your music listening experience. It allows you to follow your friends and favorite artists, see what they are listening to, and share your music with them. It also allows you to create collaborative playlists, join group sessions, and discover new music from other users.

  • Spotify helps you explore and learn more about music and artists - Spotify uses user experience design to create informative and engaging content that enriches your music listening experience. Spotify provides you with lyrics, stories, podcasts, videos, and other media related to the music and artists you listen to. It also provides you with data and insights about your listening habits, such as your top songs, genres, artists, and podcasts.

5. Agile Development

A team meeting

Agile development is a methodology that promotes iterative and incremental development, collaboration, and adaptation. Agile development can help product managers deliver products faster, respond to changing customer needs, incorporate customer feedback, and improve product quality.

What questions does Agile Development answer for Product Managers?

  1. What are the minimum viable products (MVPs) that we can deliver to our customers? How can we test and validate them quickly and cheaply?

  2. What are the feedback loops that we can establish with our customers? How can we collect and act on their feedback effectively?

  3. What are the roles and responsibilities of our product team members? How can we collaborate and communicate with each other efficiently and transparently?

  4. What are the tools and processes that we can use to manage our product development cycle? How can we adapt and improve them continuously?

How can Product Managers implement Agile Development effectively?

  • Define clear and prioritized product backlogs and roadmaps

  • Break down the product development into small and manageable sprints

  • Conduct regular sprint planning, review, and retrospective meetings

  • Use agile tools and platforms to track and manage the product development progress

  • Foster a culture of experimentation, learning, and improvement

Case Study 5: Amazon

A mobile phone with Amazon open on it

Amazon is more than just an online retailer. It is a customer-centric company that uses agile development to deliver innovative and high-quality products and services. Agile development enables many of the customer-centric features in Amazon:

  • Amazon helps you find and buy what you want quickly and easily - Amazon uses agile development to create a simple and intuitive website and app that allows you to search, browse, and order products and services with a few clicks. Amazon uses user feedback, data analytics, and experimentation to test and improve its features and functionality. It also uses Continuous Integration and Delivery to deploy changes and updates frequently and reliably.

  • Amazon helps you enjoy a variety of products and services that suit your needs and preferences - Amazon uses agile development to create and launch new products and services that cater to different customer segments and markets. Amazon uses cross-functional teams, known as “two-pizza teams”, that are small, autonomous, and multidisciplinary. These teams break down large and complex problems into manageable modules and build solutions for each component that are then integrated into a comprehensive whole.

  • Amazon helps you benefit from personalized and customized recommendations and offers - Amazon uses agile development to create and refine its recommendation engine uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze your behavior and preferences and provide you with relevant suggestions and deals. By using iterative development and feedback loops, it learns from customer responses and improves its algorithms fairly quickly. Amazon also uses adaptive design and optimization to ensure a consistent and seamless user experience across different devices and platforms.


Creating customer-centric products requires a deep understanding of the customer’s needs, wants, goals, and feedback, as well as a strategic use of technology to deliver products that create value and delight for them. Product managers can use technology-driven strategies such as data analytics, user research, user experience design, and agile development to create customer-centric products. These strategies can help product managers to gain insights, validate assumptions, design solutions, test interactions, deliver value, incorporate feedback, and improve quality.

By using these strategies, PMs can create products that not only solve problems but also create loyal customers who advocate for the product and the brand.


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